I have never felt safe in the area of Colaba where the Taj exists. Most police are unwilling to help and cannot speak very good english. There has never been security at the Taj during my visits and even if there was, bribery can easily get around that. These recent incidents will affect Mumbais tourism and if the commision is smart, they will develop programs in which guides are placed at strategic locations to help tourist and guide them saftely to their destinations.
Mumbaikars are generally very helpful but be weary of those that seem too eager. These people will generally lead you off your path into the arms of drugs or prostitution. Sometimes even robbery. After my experiences in Mumbai, I am always leary of the people I meet and their motives. My suggestion as a tourist is to always keep a low profile and trust your gut. If it doesn't feel right, then take yourself out of the situation. I am suprised due to the fact that many people hang out at the Gateway that not a soul noticed anything suspicious upon the arrival of this boat that reportedly transported these terrorists.
If you end up in a situation, please be advised that the consulates hands are tied unless the government allows them to have a presence. I have experienced this in the handling of a case that involved the assault of two foreign nationals by a local builder. It has been over 3 years since the case had started preceedings in court. Since its beginning, a witness has died and bribery provided many roadblocks in an investigation by local police who were involved in the incident.
Read more about this incident including press and court documents HERE
I hope 2009 will bring relief for these victims and pray that the victims of these recent attacks do not have to wait quite so long for closure. I also hope Mumbai officials take this seriously and develop programs that help ease the trepidations of foreighn nationals. I also hope Mumbaikars stay out of the streets and stop treating incidents such as these as a cricket match. Events such as these are not a public source of entertainment and you are only detering professionals from doing their jobs.
It is very dissapointing that something such as this had to happen in order to bring light to such a problem but to tourist such as myself, we knew it was inevitable by looking at the many bombings that have occured there in India.
1 comment:
Its not just a problem of Mumbai/India anymore. Terrorism is not confined to any particular region now.It's more of a global problem..I hope with this incident, finally our agencies will spring into action!
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